Monday, January 30, 2017
Don't judge me!
I'm addicted! I don't know if it's because I was introduced to sex at such a young age or I'm just a degenerate. I just know that I love beautiful women. Beautiful is not a size or shape specifically. It's an attitude and aura. I can't believe how many beautiful women there are. At the restaurant today and on the the plane right now. I'm going crazy! Yes, I know I'm fucking married. I'm just trying to be honest. My favorite look is the bad girl brunette with pretty eyes. You know the type. They have tattoos or piercings. Green or blue eyes and when they look at me I become seduced. Mesmerized by their swagger. Gazing at their perfection. I also like those conservative brunettes. The ones that are goody goodies but are itching to escape their bottled up selves! But I also like blondes because they know how to party and have fun. One of my favorite are the bigger girls who are confident. I'd rather have a bigger girl that will show off and be confident than a skinny girl who thinks she's fat. The best but worst invention were the yoga pants. God damn what torture. Accentuating every curve as if they're painted on. How come a woman can have the most obvious camel toe and nobody says a word but if a man was to wear tight pants with his balls protruding people would call him a pig? Women have all the freedoms and don't even realize it.
Ok I feel better. I just had to vent. I'm a pig I know. You don't have to tell me. After millions of years men crave a female like water after 5 days in the desert. I'm a feen. A wise man once said once a man sees one woman naked he wants to see them all! He'll even take a peek at something hideous if he gets the chance. He won't admit it but it's true.
When I was a kid my mom and her boyfriend used to want to get rid of us. Her boyfriend would drop my brother and I off at the movie theatre. We didn't know but it was an adult theatre. He would buy us the ticket. The first time we went in and as a kid we didn't know any better. So we went to see this movie Hot Dog when I was in 3rd grade. So like 8 years old. The first scene and I can still remember this vividly. The couple walks in to check into a hotel and the lady behind the counter comes in naked. My brother and I looked at each other like what the fuck? So they get their room and instantly they're fucking! I didn't know what that was at the time. So then the next time my mom's boyfriend Paul was playing poker and took us with him. He put the playboy channel on for us. It was this episode where three or four couples started hanging out in the living room and slowly started swapping partners in different bedrooms.
When my mom and her boyfriend would pass out we'd invite the neighbor kids over and sneak beers, cigarettes, and weed into the garage. We didn't know how to smoke. The Budweiser tasted like piss and still does. Don't know how people drink that shit, no offense. So pretty soon I'm in the 4th grade and I think I'm a gangster pimp. I'm roaming the streets of San Bernardino in between Muscoy and California elementary school. Bringing 9 year old girls to our house. We were sick! Add to that I once watched my mother at a park in Hacienda Heights fuck like 5 guys in a van. Well, I wasn't in the van but we could see what was happening. Guys would come out one at a time to take a piss and laugh when they saw my brother, sister, and I. Sick shit! I mean I don't give a fuck that she let guys pull a train on her but fuck lady, with your kids there? Don't judge fuckers, it wasn't my fault. I remember another time across the street from my grandmas house on Folger street in Hacienda Heights she fucked a guy outside the neighbors house. Her and her boyfriend would leave their bedroom door open. Man, I'm actually surprised I'm not some crazy fuck! My mom used to grow pot in our yard and we would drop it off to the guys selling it on the street corners. The she would drop us off at the public pool. Just another day in fuckedupville!
So when I became a testosterone driven teenager I couldn't wait to have some sexual fun. Girls used to only like me as a friend. Instead dating my brother and friends. Telling me stories and how guys are jerks except for me. So everyone thought I was a ladies man but I wasn't getting any. Until the summer of 11th grade. I grew a little and started realizing girls liked attention and to be adulated. Just give them compliments and listen to them talk and they were putty in your hands. Pretty soon I was fucking three or four girls in the same month. One girl Annie asked me if I had just fucked Lisa and I said yes. She started crying and then said that's ok, I just hope you eventually choose me. Then we started making out and it was on! At the same damn time a different Lisa was driving the car and a week later told me I turned her on and she wanted me. It was as if they wanted to fuck the guy they knew was a player. But they wanted to make the nice guy wait. I still don't understand that.
My senior year and 4 years in the Navy was like an audition. I can't remember how many girls i Fucked. I don't remember many all their names. A few I was able to fuck after just a few hours. One girl Heidi from Canada I had sex with after just 2 hours at a party. It was 1995 and I was at a party on a Navy base in Washington. I put on R Kelly 12 play and by the 4th song she was as naked. We were in my friends room and she got startled when people knocked. She coyly said "how did i get naked" like she was innocent. I was more upset that people intruded. We had told everyone we were going to get CDs and they wondered where we were. We gave them the CDs and Heidi asked if we could go to my room. So we did. My roommate was there. But I didn't care because I was insatiable. She was giving me head under the blanket and my roommate turned the light on because he thought I was drunk and needed help. She picjed her head up and he was like "my bad" and i laughed and said no big deal. The next dayI was being stationed in San Diego, CA. Her friends came to my door and gave me Heidi's phone number. I told them I would call her and then left to CA. Even though I had started a relationship with my soon to be wife I felt entitled. Like I was providing a service.
This routine continued into CA and my marriage. I was addicted and couldn't stop. It didn't help that so many women didn't care if I was taken or how many girls I was fucking. It was a sickness. It wasn't until I was in Hawaii and met a girl, I'm trying to remember her name. She was a sweet girl in Hawaii for college. A shipmate and I got a hotel on the beach and they wanted girls to come to the room. Because I was oozing with confidence at the time I got this girl and her friend to come up. Pretty soon her and I are making out until another guy got blacked out drunk and started destroying the room. I tried to talk some sense into him and get him to leave in a taxi. He reached over another guy and punched me in the mouth. He broke two teeth and because I was so superficial and conceded at the time I ran to the bathroom. I actually cried because I was drunk and upset my teeth were broke . Still, the next day I called the girl I was making out with. She picked me up and we hung out. She took me to North Shore and we "made love" on the beach of North Shore. She was an athlete so her hip bone gave me bruises because we went at ot long and hard. The next day she picked me up at the ship and we continued to hang out. I think I even gave her a fake name. The day I was leaving she gave me a little box. I opened it and it was sand from North Shore with a key under it. She told me it was the key to her heart. Instantly I felt shitty about myself. As I got out of the car and she drove away I could see her wiping her tears with her sleeve. What a sweet girl she was. I was a complete dick and didn't deserve a girl so sweet, innocent, and vulnerable. I still dislike myself for that. It was after that I somewhat got a conscience and realized it wasn't a game.
So here I am. I'm 40 and addicted. Except now I'm aware. I know that although women love sex they also desire commitment. When a woman gives up sex they expect your soul. Unless you want to give it to them only have sex with women that are ok with a fair exchange. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. Unless you want karma from hell avoid taking advantage of women. But it doesn't mean I can't appreciate them and their beauty. I just can't tell a woman what she wants to hear because I want to enjoy her like an amusement park. Although I want to and they want to it's not worth the heartache they feel. The resentment they will have towards you if you take advantage of them. Their beauty makes me weep with desire but life is easier without them hating you after. Although they just want to fuck too, they're end goal is marriage and you serving them like a jester. So if you have no conscience just tell them what they want to hear and disappear. Or, find the ones that want friends with benefits and be honest with them up front. They'll probably still fuck your brains out but they won't be scorned when you don't marry them. They'll be making some sucker wait to fuck while they still fuck you. They want that guy to believe they're a virgin and never have sex while they leave their date and have a booty call with you. So while some sucker is waiting foe their maiden and buying expensive dinners hoping to finally make love to their princess? She's coming to your place late at night and riding you like a bare back horse escaping a fire. You can bash me if you want. But it's all a game and you'll never really know if these women are real or not. It's their specialty to hold sex like it's a prize. Making you believe your the only one opening the present while someone else has already seen it unwrapped. Instead of admitting they love sex because they were born to breed, they'll act like a princess holding out for their prince charming.
I ain't mad at them, I just wish they'd be honest. While they're calling men pigs and cheats they're just way better at playing the game. I do appreciate them though. With all their beauty and shapes, I just wish I could enjoy a fee hundred more. Because honestly what is more fun in life than some unadulterated passion with no expectations and no worries? We're just carrying on the species like we were designed too. Is it my fault I want to test drive them all like a used car lot? Ok, that was wrong I admit. But I did say I'm a pig.
Saturday, January 28, 2017
A dose of reality
I'm on United flight 832 from Houston to Los Angeles. Im struggling and I don't get why. I'm not one of those that will go off and start shooting people so don't worry. I don't even own a gun. I'm just finding it harder and harder to deal with certain people. I feel there is an entire group of people who don't give a damn about anyone else. Sometimes I wish I was like that. The rest of the time I am thankful I'm not.
I know money rules the world. I get it. When I was in New Jersey for corporate meetings people were so obvious with their adulation for money and power. Kissing our VP and CEOs asses even though they talk shit on them behind their back. But I'm not innocent. I got frustrated a few months ago and told my boss that I couldn't believe I didn't even get a chance to pitch myself for a position. I had worked the entire region by myself for months without any commission on sales. All I wanted was a chance to present my plan. He chastised me and told me that's the last time he would accept an email with that tone from me. So now, I avoid any discussion that's not pleasant. So i feel like a kiss ass myself because I can't even voice my honest opinion. Instead, I just continue to work and will just keep to myself or quit when I find a better long term option.
I think it's that lack of honesty that has me struggling. Hardly anyone is honest. Many treat day to day life as a poker game. I guess I can't blame them though. We're all in essence trying our hardest to take advantage of each other. Capitalizing for ourselves and our families. Many times at the expense of others even people who we're supposed to care about.
Is this how we're supposed to live our lives? Wouldn't a win win for both sides be better. A way for both parties to leave the table winning? I know, I'm fucking delusional. I guess my reasoning is that we spend our entire lives chasing wealth and power. In reality none of it matters one bit. Money is a figment of our imagination. It's only purpose is to allow us to trade for items similar to early times. A person would raise chickens and trade the eggs for milk and beef from his neighbor. A win win at first. Until one neighbor realizes he can take advantage of his nicer neighbor. Soon, it's a lopsided agreement and one of them suffers because eventually the uneven trades sway completely one direction.
Those days have been replaced with descendants who haven't had to work for generations because their ancestors were Rockefeller's, Morgan's, Rothschild's, or Walton's. Billions of dollars that will accumulate a ridiculous amount of interest. Interest that is more than many of us will ever even make in our lives. Many of these families just continue to accumulate wealth like an extended version of Monopoly. A game of Monopoly where you can continue to add money to the bank. Living a life of luxury born by luck. Without ever contributing a thing to society. While others were just unfortunate enough to be born into poverty without any chance of ever escaping.
I'm not a moralist and I'm also not saying that we should all be communists and share. I'm simply saying isn't there a point where enough is enough? I make around 100k a year. To be honest, I believe that is close to enough. If I hadn't bought a Lexus it might even be closer to being enough. I'm not even saying that they should be satisfied with that. Give them 100 million! But isn't 30 billion for one person like Oprah enough? Is it a good idea for society to allow Oprah or others to leave billions to their kids?Shouldn't there be a max?
It reminds me of celebrities like Jennifer Garner and Jamie Fox. These two have made well over 100 million dollars in movies. Yet both do commercials. Garner does Capital One commercials while Fox does Verizon. Is it that they ran out of money so they're so desperate for money? Are they paranoid and no amount is ever enough? Or do we become addicted to money like a drug?
Once again, I'm not a moralist or a judge. I'm just thinking and writing to get it off of my chest. I'm fine with people having yachts, mansions, and cars. I personally don't want a mansion because all I think about is how much more that is to manage. Native americans lived in tents and roamed to where the food was. Only killing what they could eat. Allowing the population of Buffalo to replenish. That way of life could have endured until the next natural disaster. That is if it wasn't for another group of people that wanted to eliminate that group of people off the planet. Although these people would respect their own family and children, they were willing to rape, kill and destroy other people simply because they felt they were better. Thus, the beginning of manifest destiny. Whatever your dreams are it's your right as ordained from God. These people would go home after a day of murder and pray to their God for choosing them as having the right to own land that is nobody's to own. Kissing their children goodnight after they gave smallpox to tribes of people.
My problem is that after some soul searching I realized that what I was chasing was someone else's goal not my own. I don't give a damn about a mansion, yachts, or power. I do like nice cars though. I'd really like one of those 70k Mazerati Gibli's. But in my opinion 70k isn't anywhere close to building a 20 million dollar mansion with 15 bathrooms. A mansion that houses a family of 3. I hope that I keep this mindset. I don't want to be someone who wants the biggest house like it's a competition.
I guess I don't understand people that enough is never enough. Why does Jamie Fox give a damn about Verizon? Is he just that big of a fan of their service that he wants to tell the world? Or does he want another comma in his bank account?
I guess it doesn't matter. We're all just buying time and crossing our fingers that it doesn't end tomorrow. But if that's true why not stop working when you have enough and enjoy your life? I understand many people love what they do and money comes with that. But, did someone like Steve Jobs actually enjoy his life? Or was he driven by the desire to be remembered and accomplish goals? I know enough about him to know his business was very successful but his personal life was the opposite. Abandoning his child while he had millions. Working until his death. What causes someone to do that? Did he become Apple? I guarantee you at some point nobody will remember. Whether its 50 years or 2000 chances are Apple will be a fruit again. Life will go on. But Steve Jobs daughter will forever be damaged by a father that she never had. The man could have walked away at 30 years old a multi millionaire and become the greatest father and humanitarian that ever lived. Instead his products have come and gone and as a person he never got to exist. Instead trapped in this persona of Apple God!
There are gray areas though and I know that. Elon Musk is a gray area. Here's a guy that seems to get it. Working to make the world a better and more efficient place. Electric cars because gas is poison. Last thing and then I'll stop hear me out. At some point people started sucking gases out of the earths core. Oil and gas to fuel our cars. Which is fine because they didn't know the repercussions at first. But once they did why not stop? Why not find another solution? Money is why! Why are alcohol and cigarettes legal but not marijuana? Money is why. They'll tell you it's something else. Fact is millions die from both alcohol and cigarettes that are made in a lab to be addictive. Yet a plant that grows in the ground is illegal. We're seeing the greed in the way car manufacturers are blocking Musk. His radical ideas scare the establishment.
My answer? Fuck it! Get enough money to survive and then escape. Live your short time on this planet to be happy. Help create a future for our children or be selfish and live your life for yourself. Just don't reach old age and realize that most of your friends and family actually want you to die because they're waiting for their inheritance. But while people are still fracking even though it's causing earth quakes in Oklahoma? Or sucking natural gas and oil out of the ground even though it's causing unknown effects deep in our earths core? I'm going to say fuck it and watch a stripper get naked, smoke some Sativa, and have a drink because it's not hurting anyone but myself. It's not like I tricked my elderly neighbors into signing over power of attorney so that I can evict them and take their house. But I just read this happened because someone else did simply because they could. Because their selfish needs and capitalizing were more important than allowing a man and wife to enjoy their final days together. Or the woman and her husband who convinced her elderly father to sign over power of attorney and then evicted him from his house so they could move in. People like this completely discourage me from ever believing the world will become a better place.
My problem is that after some soul searching I realized that what I was chasing was someone else's goal not my own. I don't give a damn about a mansion, yachts, or power. I do like nice cars though. I'd really like one of those 70k Mazerati Gibli's. But in my opinion 70k isn't anywhere close to building a 20 million dollar mansion with 15 bathrooms. A mansion that houses a family of 3. I hope that I keep this mindset. I don't want to be someone who wants the biggest house like it's a competition.
I guess I don't understand people that enough is never enough. Why does Jamie Fox give a damn about Verizon? Is he just that big of a fan of their service that he wants to tell the world? Or does he want another comma in his bank account?
I guess it doesn't matter. We're all just buying time and crossing our fingers that it doesn't end tomorrow. But if that's true why not stop working when you have enough and enjoy your life? I understand many people love what they do and money comes with that. But, did someone like Steve Jobs actually enjoy his life? Or was he driven by the desire to be remembered and accomplish goals? I know enough about him to know his business was very successful but his personal life was the opposite. Abandoning his child while he had millions. Working until his death. What causes someone to do that? Did he become Apple? I guarantee you at some point nobody will remember. Whether its 50 years or 2000 chances are Apple will be a fruit again. Life will go on. But Steve Jobs daughter will forever be damaged by a father that she never had. The man could have walked away at 30 years old a multi millionaire and become the greatest father and humanitarian that ever lived. Instead his products have come and gone and as a person he never got to exist. Instead trapped in this persona of Apple God!
There are gray areas though and I know that. Elon Musk is a gray area. Here's a guy that seems to get it. Working to make the world a better and more efficient place. Electric cars because gas is poison. Last thing and then I'll stop hear me out. At some point people started sucking gases out of the earths core. Oil and gas to fuel our cars. Which is fine because they didn't know the repercussions at first. But once they did why not stop? Why not find another solution? Money is why! Why are alcohol and cigarettes legal but not marijuana? Money is why. They'll tell you it's something else. Fact is millions die from both alcohol and cigarettes that are made in a lab to be addictive. Yet a plant that grows in the ground is illegal. We're seeing the greed in the way car manufacturers are blocking Musk. His radical ideas scare the establishment.
My answer? Fuck it! Get enough money to survive and then escape. Live your short time on this planet to be happy. Help create a future for our children or be selfish and live your life for yourself. Just don't reach old age and realize that most of your friends and family actually want you to die because they're waiting for their inheritance. But while people are still fracking even though it's causing earth quakes in Oklahoma? Or sucking natural gas and oil out of the ground even though it's causing unknown effects deep in our earths core? I'm going to say fuck it and watch a stripper get naked, smoke some Sativa, and have a drink because it's not hurting anyone but myself. It's not like I tricked my elderly neighbors into signing over power of attorney so that I can evict them and take their house. But I just read this happened because someone else did simply because they could. Because their selfish needs and capitalizing were more important than allowing a man and wife to enjoy their final days together. Or the woman and her husband who convinced her elderly father to sign over power of attorney and then evicted him from his house so they could move in. People like this completely discourage me from ever believing the world will become a better place.
Friday, January 20, 2017
Staying positive and enjoying a moment
As we approach Los Angeles on United flight 1871 I sit in seat 26C. Economy plus is just enough leg room to stretch out a little bit. The seats all have power and usb connections with free movies and tv shows. After an hour delay because of maintenance the flight is almost over. Across the aisle from me is a mother with her two daughters. Mothers amaze me with the sacrifice they are willing to commit for their children. During the flight she laid on the ground of their row so that her daughters could stretch out and sleep on the three seats. A woman many times will show incredible humility to provide comfort for their children. Although there are many women who lack empathy and view their children as burdens, much more possess compassion for the youth.
After a nearly six hour flight from Newark I still have an hour Uber ride from LAX to Orange County. My bed is calling me and I often wonder what the hell I'm doing traveling all over for a job. My legs cramped and my ass is sore. As foul as that sounds it's a reality. Waking up at 6am ET it is now 2:15AM ET the next day. I know, I know. I'm a big fucking cry baby, lol. I admit I'm a big pussy many times. My emotions sometimes border on possessive of my mind. Often leading me to foul thoughts of negativity. I work to push those thoughts aside and instead view the light. I feel the landing gear go down and now we touch down. I am thankful to feel. I am appreciative of my empathy. I would not trade my experiences and lessons in life for any type of entitlement or greed. It's because of these that I can continue to learn. Maybe someday I will experience enlightenment and discover the secrets of this life. To lie there before death understanding that I've reached my goals. Not only dying in peace but also with a smile on my face. Because I have climbed the mountain and felt the warmth of a journey with a purpose. I am thankful for those that empathize and see each person no matter what color, as their brother or sister. To want their happiness and peace as they would for their own child who they look down at with great fondness and love.
It is 4:20AM ET and I'm back in the OC. My Uber ride was fantastic considering the circumstances. When I opened the Uber app it was 70 bucks and a woman named Latoya in a Chevy Malibu picked me up. She was super chill and genuine person. I enjoyed talking to her. She is 40 years old just like me. Her birthday was January 10th. I believe everything happens for the reason. Time for sleep.
Tuesday, January 10, 2017
Avoiding Entitlement and compromise with family
This is long, my apologies........
I give up. I don't know how else to say it. Sometimes we just have to admit we're powerless against something. I just can't do it any longer. I haven't been able to for a while now, yet I continue to will myself to do it. I'm not trying to paint myself as some kind of saint. I'm far from it and don't even actually hide it. I've admitted to being a pig on many occasions. I have changed a lot over the years. But some things I either don't want to change or maybe I don't even realize it's an issue. Coming from humble beginnings my goals were often tempered. It wasn't until I met a woman who already had a child where I changed. It was always inevitable though. My desire of women and my propensity to try and rescue was a disaster from the beginning. Meeting this woman who already had a child spoke to me subconsciously. At 19 years old my mind not yet mature enough to understand the significance of the situation. A combination of love and desires and before you know it we are a family. The three of us against the world is how I looked at it. Soon after, a young son. Then 23 months later another son. Before you know it we're a family of 5 and I'm only 23 years old. From that day forward I have slowly, very slowly I became a better person. I've cheated, lied, drove drunk. Been completely clueless as a husband and a father. But I never gave up. When I fall down I get back up. It motivates me to work harder and learn faster. Before I knew it I'm 40 years old and I have kids that are 22, 19, and 17 years old. I can't believe how fast time has gone by. I've learned so much and I am so thankful for the lessons and love. I've gone from an angry, insecure, naive, child to a much more aware individual. But I can't do it any longer. I can't be daddy anymore. Especially since my wife is never on my team when it comes to my kids.
I give up. I don't know how else to say it. Sometimes we just have to admit we're powerless against something. I just can't do it any longer. I haven't been able to for a while now, yet I continue to will myself to do it. I'm not trying to paint myself as some kind of saint. I'm far from it and don't even actually hide it. I've admitted to being a pig on many occasions. I have changed a lot over the years. But some things I either don't want to change or maybe I don't even realize it's an issue. Coming from humble beginnings my goals were often tempered. It wasn't until I met a woman who already had a child where I changed. It was always inevitable though. My desire of women and my propensity to try and rescue was a disaster from the beginning. Meeting this woman who already had a child spoke to me subconsciously. At 19 years old my mind not yet mature enough to understand the significance of the situation. A combination of love and desires and before you know it we are a family. The three of us against the world is how I looked at it. Soon after, a young son. Then 23 months later another son. Before you know it we're a family of 5 and I'm only 23 years old. From that day forward I have slowly, very slowly I became a better person. I've cheated, lied, drove drunk. Been completely clueless as a husband and a father. But I never gave up. When I fall down I get back up. It motivates me to work harder and learn faster. Before I knew it I'm 40 years old and I have kids that are 22, 19, and 17 years old. I can't believe how fast time has gone by. I've learned so much and I am so thankful for the lessons and love. I've gone from an angry, insecure, naive, child to a much more aware individual. But I can't do it any longer. I can't be daddy anymore. Especially since my wife is never on my team when it comes to my kids.
Look, I'll never get any or deserve any father of the year awards. But sometimes parenting isn't about awards. Sometimes you have to be the bad guy, because kids don't know what they don't know. If i can have one thing that I have stood by is that I truly love and want the best for my children. When you have a spouse who does not agree with what that means, the journey can then become arduous. While I always dreamed of a white picket fence like everyone else did I never actually believed it was possible. It's one of the reasons I never wanted kids before meeting my wife. I'm a sabotager. I didn't know it then but i was. A sabotager is someone who instead of accepting happiness tries to sabotage it before it ends for other reasons. In my mind I wasn't good enough. Family didn't have enough money, wasn't smart enough, tall enough, white enough, funny enough. Instead of realizing i had met one of the coolest people in Hawaii and could truly be and deserve to be, happy. Instead i pushed her away with all my power. Cheating and drinking, partying and working. Everything except building my partnership. When our kids began to grow it was easy. Kids just want to make you proud and happy. They don't actually want to disappoint you. You guide them and teach them. Love them and appreciate them. Respect them and they will adore you. I began to have these little friends that were also my kids. Playing games like Monopoly and Risk and learning on the fly. Coaching each of their sports teams and even letting my daughter paint my toe nails. Teaching them to walk, talk, read, fish, bat, snowboard, drive, etc. while also trying to explain to them the gray areas and the importance of work ethic. At times I'm intense and other times i cant be serious.
My wife is Disneyland mom. She just wants them to love her. She can't stand it if they're mad at her. An example is that my 19 year old son has two gym passes and i have none. He has an LA fitness pass and full use of the facilities at UC Irvine. She got it for him when he was in high school and he told her he needed to lift weights more to get more playing time on the basketball team. My voice saying that he should maybe just practice harder and longer and that he didn't need a gym pass. All of a sudden I'm an asshole of a dad and my son ends up with a gym pass anyways. What do you do if you're in a relationship with someone who does it anyways, even if you say no. I sometimes think it's because we're from different sides of the tracks. In my opinion she's a bit entitled and has an attitude like she's owed something. It somehow worked out to where we're complete opposites so our message ended up in the middle somewhere. Although my sons are a little on the entitled side they have good hearts and seem to be healthy mentally. I try to keep it real with my kids so trust me, they tell me when they dont agree with my methods.
That right there is why I'm done. Some parents are gone their kids entire childhood. They come back when the kids an adult and are still loved. Other parents get divorced and have visitation agreements involving their kids. Although we did get divorced for a couple of years. We remarried and have actually been married longer the second time than we were the first time. But i think the gig is up now. I've compromised and sacrificed as much as I think i can. The reason i know is because i'm slowly disappearing into depression. I feel like my life is out of control because it is. At any time my wife has the power to destroy me. She could hypothetically call the cops and tell them i'm being erratic and i would have to leave. Lately, I've been growing frustrated with my children. Not so much my daughter. Although she's not biologically mine she's the most like me. She makes things happen. She doesn't wait for something she goes and gets it. I've taught her she's responsible for her own future and success. My regret is that maybe i didnt let her tell me who she was as a person. Instead trying to teach her what's required to thrive in our society. She was a girly girl and i put Laker track suits on her and took her snowboarding. She needs to relax more though. She's way too serious and im afraid she's not enjoying the moment. But my sons just don't get it sometimes. My 19 year old has to be reminded constantly to take the trash out. That and picking up dog shit are his only jobs. He drives a car i bought, i pay his gas, insurance, phone, gym pass. In two weeks he'll have a macbook pro. His mom will ensure that happens. He'll still fail to take the trash out. He'll still go over a month without picking up dog shit. The accountability is gone. It's only entitlement now. I owe it to him now somehow? When i turn his phone off i'm the bad guy and my wife and i argue. For years i didn't care. I would stick by my values. I would hold them accountable even though she was saying i was ridiculous, right in front of the kids. No unified front at all. Nights sleeping in my car because i blew up and screamed. Upset because the trash cans were not taken out again and now they are full with trash day a week away. When i had my chevy silverado it wasn't too bad. But with a sedan and an suv it's uncomfortable. I won't bring my friends into it so i cant stay at their houses. If she found out she'd make them regret it. Been there done that. But there i would be, alone in my car in the walmart parking lot. They're at home in the warm house hugging and she's saying she loves them and will always be there for them. Yet I'm the one grinding every day to take them to school, going to work, coming home many times to cook. All of a sudden once again im the bad guy and shes the hero. All because i said he didn't need a gym pass and she bought it anyways. Why do i not deserve enough respect to just be talked to on many things. It's as if she enjoys doing things that she knows will upset me. Is it payback for things i did way back?
That right there is why I'm done. Some parents are gone their kids entire childhood. They come back when the kids an adult and are still loved. Other parents get divorced and have visitation agreements involving their kids. Although we did get divorced for a couple of years. We remarried and have actually been married longer the second time than we were the first time. But i think the gig is up now. I've compromised and sacrificed as much as I think i can. The reason i know is because i'm slowly disappearing into depression. I feel like my life is out of control because it is. At any time my wife has the power to destroy me. She could hypothetically call the cops and tell them i'm being erratic and i would have to leave. Lately, I've been growing frustrated with my children. Not so much my daughter. Although she's not biologically mine she's the most like me. She makes things happen. She doesn't wait for something she goes and gets it. I've taught her she's responsible for her own future and success. My regret is that maybe i didnt let her tell me who she was as a person. Instead trying to teach her what's required to thrive in our society. She was a girly girl and i put Laker track suits on her and took her snowboarding. She needs to relax more though. She's way too serious and im afraid she's not enjoying the moment. But my sons just don't get it sometimes. My 19 year old has to be reminded constantly to take the trash out. That and picking up dog shit are his only jobs. He drives a car i bought, i pay his gas, insurance, phone, gym pass. In two weeks he'll have a macbook pro. His mom will ensure that happens. He'll still fail to take the trash out. He'll still go over a month without picking up dog shit. The accountability is gone. It's only entitlement now. I owe it to him now somehow? When i turn his phone off i'm the bad guy and my wife and i argue. For years i didn't care. I would stick by my values. I would hold them accountable even though she was saying i was ridiculous, right in front of the kids. No unified front at all. Nights sleeping in my car because i blew up and screamed. Upset because the trash cans were not taken out again and now they are full with trash day a week away. When i had my chevy silverado it wasn't too bad. But with a sedan and an suv it's uncomfortable. I won't bring my friends into it so i cant stay at their houses. If she found out she'd make them regret it. Been there done that. But there i would be, alone in my car in the walmart parking lot. They're at home in the warm house hugging and she's saying she loves them and will always be there for them. Yet I'm the one grinding every day to take them to school, going to work, coming home many times to cook. All of a sudden once again im the bad guy and shes the hero. All because i said he didn't need a gym pass and she bought it anyways. Why do i not deserve enough respect to just be talked to on many things. It's as if she enjoys doing things that she knows will upset me. Is it payback for things i did way back?
If it is I'm over it. I'm old enough and wise enough to know once the respect is gone it's gone. I've been there and done that. She's still a beautiful woman and I'm amazed at how beautiful i still think she still is. But you get to a certain age and it doesn't matter. I want real. I want someone who values what i value but is still an individual with dreams and goals. But that would be if i was to go back in time and do it again. I had my chance, two actually. I fucked it up, royally. I also have 3 awesome kids that i love and want to be there for. But once you go down the entitlement road it's hard to change it. Eventually all good things come to an end. My youngest son is a junior in high school and turns 18 in january. I hope i have the patience, courage, knowledge, and vision to make the right choices to ensure i do what's sincerely best for my family.
Monday, January 9, 2017
Cleanse society of evil
This is a subject that many don't want to touch or discuss. It's even more politically incorrect to discuss than politics and religion. Unfortunately, while we live in our bubbles thinking of rainbows and butterflies our society continues to slide further into the depths of desperation. I can't believe how I'm a minority in my opinion on how to treat violent criminals. How can we release these evil people? Should we not respect and appreciate our peaceful citizens by protecting them from the evil ones? I just read a story about a man that was mad at another woman for not sleeping with him so he raped her, set her on fire, and left. He went to trial and received 12 years in prison. Now he'll be out in a few years to improve upon his skills of rape and murder so that he doesn't get caught next time. Let's be real, prisons don't rehabilitate people. Instead they condone violence and even the prison guards many times support the violent environment. I will add the links at the bottom of these sickening stories.
I will never understand how any person, especially religious fanatics want to protect evil people. They claim that these evil souls are God's children. That we do not have the right to judge because we too have sinned. Look, I'm not advocating for people to be put to death for crimes other than violent ones. With 8 billion people on this planet why do we not value the innocent ones enough to eliminate the bad ones?
In addition I read a story yesterday how murderers are allowed to get married in prison and father and mother children? What the fuck is our problem? That entire scenario does not make sense! We allow murderers to write letters and find insecure troubled women to have children with? Can you imagine the warped minds of these women and what they are teaching these children they're bringing into the world?
Here is the lates story I read. This woman and her boyfriend decide to adopt children. They adopt a 14 year old girl. Not with the thoughts of being great parents but with the goal of raping and murdering her together. Now, if you believe people should be allowed to live on this planet with thoughts in their mind of adopting a little child with the plan of raping her and murdering her because of a fantasy then you and I do not agree. Not only do we not agree but I believe you to be either a sympathizer or that you have committed these offenses and you feel like a hypocrite for wanting them dead. This couple carried out their plot. They adopted the girl and then Jacob Sullivan proceeded to rape the 14 year old girl, drug her, and leave her to die. After that didn't kill her Jacob Sullivan strangled her until she died. They then dismembered her body and threw it out like trash. Am I the only one who believes the only way to convince people to not do this is to show the consequences of death for these acts? What is wrong with disposing of these people to cleanse our gene pool? I'm not talking about race or gender. I don't care what color you are or if you are a man or a woman. I'm simply stating that we are already running out of natural resources on this planet. Yet, while innocent children starve guys like Charles Manson are given 3 meals a day and are allowed to get married and have sex! What the fuck is wrong with us as a society? Get rid of these fuckers! These are some of the reasons I don't fit in to society any longer. I don't believe in rainbows and butterflies. We need to be harsh sometimes to protect our families. Here is a picture of Jacob Sullivan and his girlfriend. Both of them sick pieces of shit that should be buried somewhere with no fan fare.
*One more thing and then I'll stop. If some murderer, extremist, racist decides to come after my family and hurt one of them? I won't be sitting in court crying. I guarantee you that I will go after every single one of their family members until their entire family is wiped out. Then, I'll sit in court feeling completely content. Then, maybe people will think twice before hurting others. Maybe people will turn in their family members when they are violent. Maybe when these murderers are reading about their entire family being wiped out they'll think twice before doing it again. But until then people will think twice about committing these acts. Instead of being celebrities who barely do any time? Their entire existence will be wiped out!
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