I wont start with the President but I will say that his arrogance and pompous attitude are part of whats wrong. How is he supposed to know what's wrong with society when he doesn't live in it?
Ever since he sold out? Lights are on and he's a brilliant exaggerator, but he doesn't even believe his own rhetoric. The American dream is collapsing under the extreme pressure that it takes to support the entire planet!
Ok, so maybe not the entire planet but a lot of it. But while he takes months of vacation and plans his retirement in Hollywood, CA? Us Americans will have to endure and find ways to be hopeful for the next puppet to be elected. Did he really care?
Is bringing a Republican President back into office an answer? Yeah, continue to think that there's a difference. They get you distracted with gay marriage, abortion, and welfare, while they completely sell out our future as a country.
17 trillion dollar debt?
If this is where we are in surplus where will we be when we're not the Gold (dollar) standard?
When we ask the question from a candidate about what they'll do to fix these problems?
Mitt Romney's answer was "I'll do it better than Barack Obama did". Really? I hope so!
Why should I believe a corporate businessman will fix the economy? Simply because he's a businessman? I used to love KB Toy Stores as a kid, they declared bankruptcy after Mitt was done. I'm supposed to believe he'll treat the country like KB Toy Store?
Or like his company Bain Capital? People like Mitt Romney care about themselves not the collective society. He was the Republican and Obama was the democrat. Who's an American supposed to vote for?
Yeah, I was confused too!
I want a guy more like Elon Musk or even Bill Gates. Warren Buffet? I don't know because I dont really know those guys. Women? Don't get me started on Hillary! What are her qualifications and how can I trust her? She went through the Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky scandal without ever flinching. Strength? Or is it political correctness that we should be scared of? Has anyone ever seen Hillary be sincere or real? What has she done that makes me want to trust her? She lived 8 years for free while collecting huge paychecks but classifies her and Bill's situation as "broke"? Why should I be hopeful she can run our country? Because the perception was that Bill did?
In history it will be proven that he was lucky to be president at the beginning of the computer age. But the National debt still doubled in his 8 years. He also allowed home loans without proof of income. Which means people could finance whatever home they wanted no matter the price without having to prove they could afford the payment. I'm not a genius but I can see some flaws in that bill. What?
It caused a huge housing collapse and for millions of people to lose their homes? Wait, didn't the government bail out the banks after the collapse? Wait a minute. You're telling me that the entity that gave the loan and made money off of the loan also was given money to rectify the loan?
Who bailed out the man that had to go home and tell his wife they lost their dream home to the bank that the Government would then bail out after giving a loan that never made sense?